Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wave/Tide Energy

After doing research on the Persian Gulf it seems that there is not much tide energy. Shown from the map below it seems as if there is just too many obstructions for tide to enter the Persian Gulf.

Figure 1. Map of Wave Energy: Persian Gulf. [1]

As seen from this map, the waves in the Persian Gulf have very low energies around Kuwait. This was taken from one day but we are going to assume that this is customary of the Persian Gulf. Kuwait has about 430 km of coast line so if we use 50 KJ/m per wave and assume that a new wave comes every 30 seconds then we can calculate the amount of energy that can be produced per day. Therefore, there is 50 KJ/30 sec which gives us approximately 1.67 W/m per wave. In any day with our assumptions there is 120 waves in every hour and with 24 hours a day we get that there is 2880 waves every day. This gives us a production of 4809.6 Wh/m per day produced by waves. Converting this it gives us 4.8096 KWh/m. If the entire coastline is has wave generators there would be 2068128 KWh produced per day. Now if they are only 50% efficient and they only cover 50% of the coastline so that there is still some tide then we could get 25% of that total number. This gives us 517032 KWh per day. Kuwait has a population of 2,794,706 which gives us approximately 0.185 KWh/day per person.

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