Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Energy Consumption By Planes in Kuwait

In order to find the amount of energy consumed per person by way of plane in Kuwait assumptions needed to be made. The first assumption was that the average Kuwaiti travels the same distance per day via plane as an American. This assumption was made because the average distance is such a small number and they only have one large airport. This leads me to believe that this country and airport are similar to a state in the United States. Also this is a very small number relative to other energy uses, so a little discrepancy will not through off the overall number very much. In this case, according to mycarbonfootprint.com the average american travels 1055 miles/year. With some conversions and an assumption the the average commercial aircraft burns 36 miles per gallon for each passenger we can find what the average energy consumption per day is.

Figure 1. Energy Consumption By Plane Per Day.

This value seems pretty small compared to the average 330 kWh that are used per day by each Kuwaiti. At the same time when all options are taken into consideration cooling will probably consume the majority of this number considering the climate in Kuwait.

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