Thursday, September 15, 2011

Energy of Kuwait: Food, Farming, and Fertilizer

Food, Farming, And Fertilizer:

Kuwaitis love their food and a very generous with food to the guests. They drink a lot of tea often with milk as an additive. They like meats such as mutton, chicken, and fish served and prepared in large amounts.[1] So how much does this food cost in energy?

The average 65kg person consumes about 2,600 "Calories" per day. This converts to roughly 3kWh per day of consumption. [2]

This 3kWh of energy is what we consume but there is much more behind this number. 3kWh of energy is the minimum for a vegan who eats only plant life. Looking further, calculating energy it takes to get the average daily dairy from a cow is about 1.5 kWh per day. This is considering how much a cow uses in energy to get you dairy products you consume [2].

Other daily Consumptions; 

Eggs/ 2 Per Day: 1 kWh

Another large contributor to the energy of food is meet. The average annual consumption of meat in Kuwait per person is 82 kg per year. [3] This number breaks down to about .23 kg per day or 1/2 lb of meat per day per person. When considering that the actually meat in processing the average meat eaten is about 140 kg per. Converting that using average human consumption.

140 kg *   3kWh/d / 65kg  = 6.5kWh/d

Meat (Sheep/Chicken/Fish): 6.5 kWh/d

With the vast majority of the food imported as shown in Figure 1. There is very little farm land and fertilizer to accommodate for therefore considering the farming and fertilizer in Kuwait to be negligible.

Figure 1. Cereal Imports and Food Aid for Kuwait. [3]

When adding up all the energy for food in Kuwait the total energy per person that we have calculated comes to about 12 kWh per day.

Food: 12kWh per day

[2] MacKay Book

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